Code Of Conduct

1- Maintain Confidentiality

COR respects the confidential information of its partners, clients, suppliers, employees or any individual cooperates with COR. We shall protect any confidential information such as name, date of birth, age, sex, address, bank details, assessments or reports, etc. We shall only disclose such information for permitted purposes those who have a legitimate right to disclose any kind of information for any business matters as stipulated in the NDAs.

We shall follow the following legal procedures:

  • • Conduct the NDA “Non-Disclosure Agreement” signed by parties who have access to critical/confidential data.
  • • Label all confidential information as “confidential”
  • • Secure delivery of confidential documents.
  • • Control access to any critical/confidential data.
  • • Use passwords and encrypted files for electronic documents.
  • • Apply strict penalties in case of breaching any confidential information.

2- Respect Cultural Diversity

Rule number one, never judge anyone

Throughout our business journey which is full of limitless networks worldwide, we interact, deal, eat and laugh with various races, ethnic groups, and cultures

Since then, we took an oath to respect cultural diversity because the community who learns to be open for otherness is a community with less violence, hatred, bullying and any form of assaults

With your openness to different cultures, you’ll carry out better interpersonal dialogues, broaden your understanding, respect the “Other”, and develop your art taste or even your whole perspective for life.

Before we connect, we should firstly respect.